September 10, 2007

Visions of Mine

~Enmeshed in the fake world of reality~

Awaken from a bad dream.

Last couple of days clear my mind a little.

绕了一圈, 我们还是做回好朋友。

好多天的不愉快,我的固执,要他放弃。那天在Wen Wei 家打完麻漿后,他还在楼下。之前我们吵了又吵,我真的很累。上他的车原本是想回家休息的,到最后却去了东海岸。


What is reality?

Everyone's reality exist in their own mind. What I see as truth may not be what you see.

Only can follow and believe one's own reality.

My reality now is my relationship with Nun Jun is great, my friendship(or whatever u call it) with Jian Feng is ok le, the big problem now I have is my career. Full of uncertainty.

What do I do to be really happy without depending on anyone?


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