September 14, 2007

Is it fate?

What is fate?

Is fate something which humans used as a excuse? or is it really something that has such great power to even controls one's life?

I don't know if I believe in Fate.

I believe that Fate makes 2 person meet...

But what happens after that can't be all fate right? What make 2 persons become good friends, share their lives... can't be all just fate right? It's what the 2 person do... Then when things go wrong... don't tell me it's fate again? That seems so accusive... Fate did not set out to break people's heart or to spoil 2 person's friendship... Everything goes wrong because of what the 2 person did... and everyone has a choice to do what they do... Why is it that people can't remember how they used to care and be so nice to the other person? They choose to do actions that hurt the other person, then when things reach the stage that nobody knows how to solve, Fate become the excuse... I wish I can totally push all the blame to Fate, but I can't... I just can't...

Happy or not is a choice

Care or not is a choice

Give in or not is a choice

Important or not is a choice

To change or not is a choice

To love or not is a choice

So I don't understand, if u really love someone, is there really anything u can't do for them? Everything is a choice. If you really love enough, you will choose to give the best to the person, change for the best, and most importantly choose to make the person happy. It's a choice!

Alot of things happen... sometimes I wake up feeling so so so lost. I go out, I play till late at night, I laugh, I be merry... But is it all real? Sometimes alot of things I feel frustrated, helpless, angry and scared... I want to have someone there always... But I know its impossible... I know I'm not the only one feeling this way... But especially recently, I am so down... that I feel not as strong as the Sharon I know...

I know I need to take care of my own happiness, things that make me unhappy I should throw it away... forget about it... I don't even know if the other person cares enough... I treat him as a really close n good friend... And I miss the days when someone else hurt me and he was always there to console and making me feel better... I miss that kind of understanding and happiness we had...

We just quarrel over the phone again... Big fight... which I sensed he will really give up this time... which I sense he will not care anymore... Fine. If that is what it is for him, then I will be hard hearted too... I can't tolerate anyone who hangs up on me... and I gave him a chance to say sorry but he refused... I am so angry... don't blame me for being like that now!

Before that we already told each other maybe this weekend is a good time for us to cool down and hope after that we will solve all our problems recently... but now... Ha... I think there is no more need to le... Since both of us choose this route..

Sigh... maybe he is just like the rest... maybe when I think he will be different I am wrong... Maybe now he will be unlike what he promise last time... Ha... what to do? After being hurt so many times... I don't have much faith in men... Unless it's Nun jun...

Ya... only my Nun Jun dear dear... Almost 3 years... He has go through so much with me, and never give up... We had bad times before... but I also don't know how... we just managed to solved them and everything become even better... THANKS dear....

I know I am lucky... He really dotes on me and gives in to me alot... Maybe cos' a period of time we really drift apart... and they came along... But I credit myself for never thinking of giving up dear for any other guys... If anyone will believe me, I really hope to marry him one day... Haha :p

Sigh... I got to be strong! If it's yet another case of... you all know.... Then I got to get over it... Sigh... Gotta go out again le... Meeting wen wei....

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