October 27, 2007

Give me potion Miracle!

I need a miracle...

My work needs a miracle!

Ya... my relationship is more or less settled... at least for things between me and jian feng. For those who don't believe it, or just refuse to believe it even though I have said it times n times agin... well, suits you... But I am sure what it is now.

Don't get it wrong... We are still very best friends... Still tells him my things... and still do meet up... I will always treasure our friendship... always 比好朋友还要好的朋友!

Even though he still likes me... and we do care for each other a bit more than jus friends... decision is clear, and both of us happy bout it...

I really hope he is truely happy.... Not just me needs to be happy! silly boy boy... I want you to happy too! The special feelings we held just treasure it for whatever it is ba...

I am sorry, I love nun jun too much, i realised... and I have been so honest to you, sorry if i hurt you... but i have faith that you understand me de... and i believe you understand my feelings...

Thanks boy for being there... for being you... I love you...

Hope our promises to each other will be keep!

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