October 26, 2008

I love my Boy~~

Thank you, boy boy, for being there...

Today was a happy day. Last night we went to play Majiong at Shi feng hostel at NTU with William, Zhi Hui, and us. I was the one who suggest playing majiong last week but ended up yesterday I was very tired. Till to I was so tired, I didn't really feel like playing. But I wanted to catch up with them cos' it had been quite long since we last met up plus the fact that I was the one who plan the 'outing'. Well, and thanks to William, though I doubt you will actually read this... Lol... Thanks cos' he was the one who help me to organise eveything and ask everyone... and somemore I was still late and let him wait so long... Haha..

When we were at NTU I was really damn shack. So tired... Boy boy help me to play first although he was also very tired... hehe =) Who knows ended up he played most of the game and I only played 2, 3 times... He keep asking me to play but I too lazy... So ended up he have to play. It might not seems like a big deal, but those who know him will know he has a very low tolerence level for tiredness and last night not only was he understanding he was also super sweet to me the whole night... Cooking noodles for me and giving me massage and his attitude was really sweet... =] Happi Happi~~

Then this afternoon I said will give him morning call cos' he still got work but I overslept. He managed to wake up himself and even send me a cute sms... And I slept all the way till 4pm!! Even when he called me at 1pm said wanna see me cos' too miss me, I din want to get up... Hehe... sorri boy... Also miss you even when I sleeping... But I miss my beauty sleep alot too... haha...

But after I woke up we went out to have our 'er ren shi jie'. He brought me to have japanese food at this restaurant call Aji tei Japanese Food and Dessert Bar. We ate till super full. It was great. We laughed and joke all the way. And he gave in to me in every possible way... I felt like a princess!

We went boat quay to with Ken and Rofino after that. At first it was a bit boring and I thought my boy has to go work cos' he bluff to me. Then he suddenly reappeared and hugged me from behind. Silly boy... :p

Then he complained of headache and took a nap at the pub. It was more like a sleep. Haha.... I left him to it cos' I think I should be understanding too. But it got a little boring cos' we were not playing anything and nobody was entertaining me. It was just a relaxing only night I guess. I didn't want to drink much so that adds to the 'sian-ness'.

When it came my turn to sing with boy, he was still asleep. I wake him up and he sang till like fall asleep. I got pissed off cos' that song was he wanted to sing with me one. I tried to control my anger and didn't say much. But after that when I tried to talk to him, he seemed to ignoring me and I tap him to get his attention. God knows why he thought that I was hitting him and he showed me an attitude. We had a quarrel. Quite a fierce one. I walk off and wanted to take my things from his lorry and go home. He didn't even come after me or call me. I was really upset. Then he reach his lorry first and he took my things to the pub. He called me then and said since I wanted to leave without him he will leave now. I got so upset and I told him if he does that he should know what it means to me. I will never forgive him for that. He didn't seem to be remorseful at all! All he said was he will not leave actually but he will wait in his lorry for me to finish drinking at the pub.

But how will I have the mood to continue my night playing and enjoying? I decided that at that time if he wanted to do that then I will go back to the pub for my friends, but in my heart I will always think that he doesn't care about me. And our relationship will be spoiled.

However, not long after we hang up our phone call, he called me back. He wanted to come and find me. I was still at a carpark talking with Rofino then.

When I saw him I was still upset and angry. But he apolgised so many times to me. And he looked like he really knows his fault and was sincere. I am not a petty person too. Of course it took me a while to really cool down but I appreciate his understanding and love for me. Although he is always a little slow in making things right, but he is better than alot of other guys I have ever seen. Alot of people when they are also angry, will take ages to stand in the other person shoes. It hard for me even.

We are ok now. And I still feel very much surrounded with love. Its the small things that counts sometimes. The way we talk, the way he looks at me. All that matters. That is LOVE.

Now we playing Majiong with Ken, Rofino, Nun Jun. Seeing Nun jun I am very happy. And a part of me will always hold him dear to my heart. And I really like him. He makes me happy and laugh... Haha... Good to see him carefree and happy...

I am happy. Thank you all friends. Thank you Boy boy.

I wanna hug all of you!!

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