August 31, 2007

Being in Sadness, Flood with tears

Submitted my previous posts late, hence two submitted posts in a day...

Last night was a sad night for me. I make a decision which is as painful to me as it is to him.


He always never give up, and that's also the reason why I always care. I know that he called Wen Wei last night... Wen Wei said he was crying and really determined to salvage the situation. But everyone knows, a typical Leo girl is damn stubborn! I had enough! And so, I did not give him any chance to talk last night.
Instead accompany Wen Wei to boat quay to look for Flora. Cos' Flora drank alot so WW wants to be there...

A slight envyness rush over me.

Will the two guys, who say they love me, be doing the same, if it's me?


August 29, 2007

The world is beyond what you See.

The first post.

I actually wanted to use deviladvocate.blogspot as my address... But too bad the add is taken. Why deviladvocate? Ha. Cos' I spoke for it. Not the devil who has underworld power... Nah. I'm talking 'bout the devil inside us. Humans' evil thoughts, never-ending desire. I acknowledge this monster, I like this monster.


advocate.of.masquerade 说的是虚构和面具的代言。

My life, a Masquerade. Thou shall pretend no more.

