March 29, 2008

Its a Girl Thing.

To all that has been reading my blog, must have realised that I have been slow in blogging. Reason is life is always busy and complicated. That's why blogging took a back seat.

There has been alot of changes in my life these 2 months. Other than the usual BGR crap, i have been seriously thinking bout what to do with my life. Has been doing some sort of writing stuff, becoming a tutor, and applying for an unexpected passion- being a prison warrant.

Many has been shocked by my decision. Well, I have just found out somethings bout myself too... Most of the things that I really want is not known by some closest to me, and the fact that actually I am very serious when it come to some of my principles and seeking the life I want, to the extent I am not like the usual happy go lucky girl most people see.

And I am not ready to compromise.

I say this stuff mainly points to the direction I am about to take. First is, I am going to forgo the leisure time with friends that I treasure. For the job that I really want and that I know will change my life. The risk is I might lose somethings that i have now. And I might become so different that only those who really love me will stay. Well of cos, everything will only happen if I am accepted... which i pray everyday I will.

The second reason is because of the guys who proclaim to be madly in love with me. I might be so fun loving and crazily enjoying when hanging out, but I am not easy. As in easy to win over. I just gone through a not so easy time, and in the process lose the one guy I think is really suitable for me. So if I were to start a new relationship, the guy will have to be better than my previous, which is not easy. And it's a Must. Words might make me smile but you guys have no idea what I really think. The kind of life I want, if you cant provide then all the talks about feelings is just bullshit to me. Stop wasting my life and yours.

As a modern girl who I self proclaim to be trendy and classy, the material needs are necessary. Not something that can forgo, not even in the name of love. Esp not for love. Cos my principle is if you love a girl, pls know what makes her happy. Do what you can in your abilities to give her everything she wants. Girls are borned on this earth to be doted on. In return we can be the sweet and loving creature that brings all the joys to the guy who make us willingly love him all out. But before we can pls know that you have to prove it, and not just that, maintain it. And the thing is pls don't give excuses when you have not done enough for the girl. we can smell excuses and fake stuffs a thousand miles away.

Now I know all the girls reading this are silently agreeing and thinking why I can say all these so straight forwardly, not worried that others might think of me as materialistic. Well people say what they want to. But we only have one life so we should live the best life. Why give discount? And one important thing that I know nobody have told you girls, Materialistic is a word invented to give guys reason not to be generous and not to be as good as they should. It is simply an excuse.

Now I know guys out there reading these are properly cursing me right now. Sorry guys, all I can say is welcome to the modern world. If you guys want a weakling and a softie who listens to you and don't fight for her life, don't look for Singapore girls. Go somehere else.

Life is sweet but it's a battle after all.

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